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  • Learn About Our Events

    Actions are as important as words. Our campaign officially kicks off April 1, 2012, as Mayor Tom Barrett officially proclaims April Friends Day in the city of Milwaukee. Turning the focus of April 1 from fools to friends is an important step for this city, and beyond.


    Meet Our Partners

    There's strong network behind the scenes. Our local partners help us organize events and engage youth directly. Our national partners provide expertise, insight and feedback in how to apply concepts like the Five Universal Truths in real time, and in the real world.


    Access Our Resources

    The components of the CURE — Community, Understanding, Respect and Empathy — focus upon building a better social fabric by changing the behavior of all. Start with yourself, understand the role you play and take action. Our ever-current resources can get you started.


    View And Share

    Great ideas and good intentions grow in the presence of inspiration. This forum will introduce you to a campaign called Deeds of Dignity. Logging in and keeping track of good works within your home, school and community is like planting a seed and watching it grow.
